
Scordilis Emmanuel

Professor of Seismology
  • Κατηγορία Προσωπικού: Scientific Staff
    Βιογραφικό: Curriculum Vitae - Publications
    Βαθμίδα: Professor
    Επάγγελμα: Professor of Seismology
    Τηλέφωνο: +30 2310991411
  • Membership:

    • Hellenic Association of Geologists
    • Geological Society of Greece
    • Geotechnical Chamber of Greece
    • Hellenic Geophysical Union
    • European Mediterranean Seismological Center, EMSC, (representative of Geophysical Laboratory of AUTH)
  • Current position:
    • Professor of Seismology - Department of Geophysics, School of Geology, A.U.TH
    Former career:
    • Research Assistant, Dept. of Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1987-1989).
    • Seismologist, Dept. of Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1989–1998)
    • Lecturer, Dept. of Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1998–2003)
    • Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2003–2009)
    • Associate Professor, Dept. of Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2009–2014)
    Field experience:
    • Installation and monitoring of portable, analog and digital, seismographic networks deployed to study seismotectonic properties and/or evolution of seismic sequences.
    • Geophysical prospecting for geotechnical and archaeological exploration.
    • Participation in the installation and operation of the Seismic Network of the Geophysical Laboratory of AUTH and the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network.
    Teaching experience:
    • Various courses to undergraduate students of the School of Geology and of the School of Civil Engineering which include:”Applied Geophysics I”, “Applied Seismology and Environment”, "Mechanical Oscillations and Elastic Waves", "Introduction to Seismology", "Engineering Seismology" and “Engineering Seismology and Soil Dynamics”.
    • Various courses to the post-graduate students of the School of Geology and of the School of Civil Engineering which include: “Generation, Propagation and Recording of Seismic Waves”, "Advanced Applied Seismology", “Engineering Seismology and Soil Dynamics” and “Computer Applications in Solving Problems in Geophysics”.
    • Supervision of 39 undergraduate theses (2 in progress), 10 MSc. theses (1 in progress) and 6 PhD theses.
    • Tutor Greek rescue teams (under Civil Protection) in seismology issues
  • Education:
    • B.Sc. In Geology, University of Thessaloniki , Greece (1982)
    • Ph.D. Thesis in Seismology, University of Thessaloniki , Greece (1985)
    • Institute IRIGM, Joseph Fourier University , Grenoble , France
    • School of Environmental Sciences, East Anglia University , Norwich , UK
    • Seismological Institute, Academy of Sciences , Tirana , Albania
    • Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Frankfurt , Germany
    • Laboratory of Electronics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Thrace , Greece .
  • Research activity:
    • Seismotectonics
    • Seismic sequences.
    • Time dependent seismicity
    • Earthquake prediction based on seismicity and probabilistic models.
    • Magnitude scales – Compilation & homogenization of earthquake catalogs
    • Intermediate term earthquake prediction
    Research Projects:
    • Participated in 73 projects of seismology and applied geophysics.
  • Conferences:
    • Participated in 40 international and national conferences, in most of them with presentations.
    • Invited speaker in 4 of them.
    • Member of the Organizing Committee in 2 of them.
  • Publications:
    • Published more than 110 research papers in international journals and proceedings of international conferences.
    • receiving more than 2000 references (self-references excluded).
    • Co-author in 1 book and 2 special volumes.