Seismicity Bulletins

NOTE 1: Since October 2007 all monthly bulletins of the Seismological Station A.U.Th. are published in the GSE2.0 format

NOTE 2: Since Januaty 2011 all monthly bulletins of the Seismological Station A.U.Th. publish events of magnitude M>2.0

Note 3: From May 13, 2019, the Seismological Station bulletins are issued in AUTOLOC3 format.

When you use data from our network, please cite us using the following reference:


Permanent Regional Seismological Network operated by the Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, doi:10.7914/SN/HT


For more details please visit:

Note 1: Since October 2007 our bulletins are published in GSE2.0 format.

NOTE 2: Since Januaty 2011 all monthly bulletins of the Seismological Station A.U.Th. publish events of magnitude M>2.0


By clicking on the month name you can view/download the corresponding bulletin.
For each month there is also an “Additional Phases” file, which includes unassociated phases such as Long Distance earthquakes (LD) or earthquakes with unsufficient data (ID)..


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